
Best Advice from Mentors & Entertainment Professionals

During my study abroad program, I took a course that influenced me to think differently and expanded my mind on topics of success and ambition. My professor, Sam Sokolow, is one of the most insightful people I’ve ever come across. His class solidified my drive to become a part of and pursue my passion for the industry. After spending two years of college without a clue who I wanted to be in the world, and what I wanted to do with my voice, I am so grateful for this classroom experience. After the first day of class, I went up to Professor Sokolow, introduced myself, and let him know that from the hour long lecture, I gained insight that I would continually value and always carry with me. Throughout the semester, he brought in a variety of his friends from all areas of the Entertainment industry.

In this post, I’m sharing the things that stuck with me the most, common threads, and highlighted quotations.


  1. “Your career is based on your “no’s.” Pay attention to when your “no’s” are getting better.”

  2. “There is a ton of competition in Hollywood, but there is no competition with Hollywood.”

  3. “Don’t go to bed at night feeling like you wasted a day of your life.”

  4. “The rule of Hollywood is that no ones got it figured out yet.”

  5. “Do not hide your mistakes. Always be honest, humble, name it.”

  6. "Pitching can be really tough. Communication is vital. Articulate the scribbles.”

  7. “Say yes to everything. Figure out how to figure things out. Work always leads to more work.” - on the topic of taking production assistant jobs

  8. Permanent decisions are made by temporary people”

  9. “Be quick and bold. Time is money.”

  10. “Create a space that doesn’t exist.”

  11. “If you don’t have thick skin, being in Hollywood is like being a swimmer that doesn’t want to get wet.”


  1. Create your own universe, and expand it.

  2. Do not talk yourself out of doing anything.

  3. Be nicer to the assistant than to the boss. Know everyones name, and address accordingly.

  4. Create content whenever you can. Opportunities naturally follow the creative process.

  5. The work is what matters. If it is not on the page, it is not on the stage. The script is the foundation and it is crucial to long term success of a project.

  6. Be fierce and original in your work. Be the “ambassador of crossing the line.”

  7. Everyone in the industry can benefit from taking an acting class. Whether you are a director, publicist, or producer, an acting class will help understand this business. (As it is the execution of the work).

  8. Be able to handle rejection and have thick skin.

  9. You have to give to get ahead in this industry.

  10. Take a walk and write down your ideas. Do what you can to trigger your own unique flow.

  11. Intuition is always right. You’ll never be wrong if you follow what you are feeling. Themes about the higher mind were always a thread amongst all speakers. Everyone spoke about intuitive guidance, mediation and mind control, and manifestation in different ways.*

  12. Creativity + Marketability. Connect through storytelling, and market your narrative. It is impossible to discover anything unless it is pushing toward you.

  13. Really listen to people when they talk. If you are not noticeably listening to people, they will be able to sniff out that you are compensating for a fear on your end.



“Go to a different grocery store.”

Seemingly unrelated metaphor? I don’t think so. This was on the topic of trying things out. A huge common theme was cultivating a sense of identity, as it is crucial to the industry. Trial and error is the only way to learn what makes you feel true to yourself and what does not. Only through that process can you discover how to listen to your intuitive guidance. Try everything. Go everywhere. Seek out to experience everything. Learn from people who are different than you. Gain access to thinking strategies that are not natural to you, because doing so can help you create things from a bird’s eye view. That way you can transcend existing perceptions and realities, and create new ones that are undiscovered. That is the formula to “create a space that doesn’t exist.”


“Jealousy is poisonous to a relationship, as regret is poisonous to your relationship with your self.” - Sam Sokolow

Go out into the world, and do the things that you want to do. Do not work against yourself by convincing yourself not to do things the that inspire you. Pursue the things that give you the feeling that you are meant to be doing it. Intuitively, you will always know when something feels right. Fear will create a million different reasons that you shouldn’t do something, so learn to block out that ego voice that wants to keep you in that comfortable place. Stagnation leads to regret. You have to push through that, because if you don’t, you will have regrets. At the the end of each day, make sure that you did something that will help you reach the fulfillment of your dreams.

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