
Dear Daddy

Dear Daddy

My favorite quality that my dad possesses is that he naturally embodies this giving spirit. It’s a huge part of who he is in the world and who he shows up as. Of everything I have learned just as a result of coming into the world as a product of him, it’s to give. Fucking give, give and give some more, and undoubtedly, the universe will give to you.

“Give” means a lot of things. Give yourself to your people. Give your presence, share your heart when it’s right. Give to those who make you feel anything. Be generous to others when you can, because you can. Give to show love, give to receive love, and give to be love.

It doesn’t matter what you give through word. It doesn’t matter what kind of gift you give. What does matter, however, is that the essence of a giving spirit can be one that lasts a lifetime for someone else. The action of giving represents a way in which we can communicate with the universe. It’s the highest vibration of doing so, as it projects the love in you outward. My dad’s inclination and willingness to do so has always inspired me.

Dear Daddy,

Thank you for passing on your super human memory down to me

Thank you for asking me interview questions as though I was America’s Next Top Model, and for the hours you spent watching it with me when the Steelers were playing

Thank you for putting me on your shoulders when I got blisters, for always saying yes to “basket rides.” For lifting me up.

Thank you for letting me “drive” the car fast in the middle of nowhere, for letting me win gin rummy time after time. For empowering me.

Thank you for showing me how much there is to appreciate about the world
Thank you for exploring the world with me

Thank you for punishing me when I did something wrong

Thank you for teaching me how to maintain my priorities

Thank you for tirelessly commuting to work for 18 years

Thank you for modeling to always stay open to life

Thank you for showing me how to give, even if it hurts later

Thank you for being my first and greatest best friend

Thank you for teaching me to love completely

You once responded to my pleading, “when have I ever let you down”

The answer was never, Daddy, not once

